Saturday, September 22, 2012

you can hide....but you cant run

Bad news! you notice that the last days you saw clouds and shining prayers...?Well, the shining prayers dont matter and the firecrackers too . Theyre just glitches .Did you also notice about  flg_kintoun under the clouds.... it means a murderer . Every single day pico is lagging because of anonymous, or not.. because im trying to solve this puzzle .Anonymous is a hacker clan ... theyre trying to end pico and destroy ep1. Theres lots of hackers now in pico, and lots of pico people getting hacked....Anonymous is one  of a powerful team hacker.... unable to report . They once destroyed play station... dont believe me? Well heres proof .
We do not forgive, we do not forget, we are legion, expect us . they have it in the pico profile too! here, ill give you em . and one of the anonymous pico people too .
Anonymous .
Anonymous Nazo
 thats all i found...
and heres proof about the playstation .

now the last proof, proof on pico ...they even changed there name to serial killers... whats going on? D: well me and all my friends are trying to solve the problem . will you guys team up and help me to stop anonymous? thanks for your support ,
                                                                                                                         - R a e

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Me and my friend .

This is my friend, Miaw Etn . Etn is a family name :D ....he looks kind of cute , doesnt he? Well sorry ma bro, I have got to say this . .-. .. Your mouth looks... mmm wierd . Oh and , lookie I found new fashion from my wardrobe... casual style :3 .
                                                                                                                                         - R a e

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pico is lagging !

 Everybody hates when pico is lagging.. -o- well me too! D: Pico is my favorite game... and I wont give up pico till they stop the lagging . I love you pico! :D .... I'm never gonna give up for you *o* .
 ~I love my teeth . 
                                                                                                                                   - R a e
Me and my friend sitting and standing on the tree we love . ~*So, this will be my "first blog" well i got many I'll call this my first blog . Why? because I just want to....but another reason is that I have to flip back the page and look for how many blogs I got . So this is my first post....and toon in for more posts , fun games , fashion , tricks and tips..... and many more ! I hope you enjoy my blog once I have many blog updates and more posts! :D Thanks for reading guys .

                                                                                                                                   -R a e