Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hi !

Hi guys , Its rae . So This wallpaper and the halloween pictures will be here
for a short time...because ... i dont ... "feel good with dark colors" lol . I hope you know what i mean . So i made a halloween invatation , And i hope you will come . my names ♛ČĞČ♛R a e . so you guys have to wear costumes....:D we will have ghost hunting , we will watch horror movies , make a play.... MANY MORE GAMES... and ill try to make it fun ... plus well have a halloween feast.... So please come ! Im begging..... D: Thanks for listening guys....

                                                                                                                                                       - R a e .

Fashion .

Ahhh . I nice walk at the park c; fresh air . Trees . clouds..... c; oh yeah , maybe tomorrow Im gonna go moon bathing . I just thought of that . instead of sun bathing... lets do moon bathing....but I need a place to go moon bathing though . ;o . football field maybe? guess so . Okay so lets get to the topic .Well I wanna talk about fashion . For you guys having problem searching for what to wear .... heres some tips . So . If your a newbie and you still have a tiny bit clothes , I suggest that you should buy more clothes . If your a richy and you have alot of clothes , Then dont buy anymore . Now . You guys just have to pick your favorite dress or shirt  then match it with something . Dont be too random .Well , its actually Your choice though , and im not forcing you . When you have already matched your shirt or you dress with something... give it a little more pazzam . Try putting belts or necklaces... bracelets... watches...Its your choice as long as it matches! Try finding new styles in your closet . Like me , everyday I wear new clothes because im finding styles from my closet. Welll it took me time ... and im a picky person . lol . Well thats all guys, And oh yeah , ill give you one of my fashions with ag and fashions without ag .

                                                                                                                                      - R a e .

Mini photo editing studio bussiness

Hi guys! its rae here . And i just opened... a photo editing studio bussiness! well if you wanna see how creative i am... I just made a pic on the right side... and its new.... I hope you like it! Just search me , R a e . if you wanna edit your pic! Oh yeah , Please comment of how my pic looks ... what i mean is it looks good or not . :P . Im really happy though . :D

                                                                                                                                       - R a e .

Friday, October 5, 2012

copycatters . Copymatters

I would like to talk about  copycats . Yes , alot of people copy . and lots of people get mad because they copy people . Well it doesnt matter . One person said that im a copycat . Theres like 4 poeple who  have the name rae . I call that alot . Im shure that people get their name in their own way . like me,heres my instructions .
When i was at ep hanging out with my friends , I saw lots of people with lots of looks... and it made me changed my look and my name plus my profile . But I did it MY OWN WAY . 
2nd I said to my friends , "hey guys i think imma change my pico style ... im bored with myself.... it feels dirty . LOL" well something like that . Then my friends gave me an idea.. like milk or kitty, kitten... Then for some reason when I saw someone wearing a cute red dress ,I told my friends  , hey guys ! Lets  make up a name with red . We all thinked ... until one of my friends got an idea.... ramie . I said hmm... what if i remove the m and i ...  So i did and the name became rae. i wanted to make the name unique by putting spaces and a period  so it would be availible and unique too . R a e . So thats how i came out with my name .
How i got my welcome to the dark side and we got cookies thing . Since i like the word dark , its one of my wierd word thing .... i wanted to put it in my profile... so i wanted to make a sentence with dark... i kept thinking till the next day... Till i remembered someone saying the dark side, that would be perfect to go with the word dark ! But then , I wanted 1 more sentence because i thought 1 sentence isnt enough . and complete . So i added some funny things... like we got cookies ....So the people would think that im a fun person... if they do .. lol .and thats how i got my profile thing .

 my details . ... i asked permission to do the lazy facts before i COPIED IT . The gleek thing i wanted to make geek a more fun word... so i put and l in it . The rest i made it ... and some i got it that surley all people have on thier profiles, the arrows , where you can find me stuff .

Now my look, I have always wanted to be a geek , so i made myself a geek .

I didnt even copy it .... Tell my friends even . im not a copycatter , I ask permission before i copy .

Thanks for listening ,

                                                                                                                                          - R a e